Agen Susu Bubuk Kedelai, Agen Wedang Uwuh, Minuman Segar Cincau Hijau emai : -V- TERIMAKASIH SUDAH JADI MITRA KAMI

Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

Anti Nutrition Content Cassava

Anti-nutritional factors on cassava and flour cassava is the content of HCN obtained from
Amyglandin, Dhurrin, and Linamarin (Cheeke, 1992). Cheeke (1992) adds that the content of HCN on cassava and cassava leaves are respectively 53 mg / 100 g and 104 mg / 100 g. Not so all types of cassava have HCN content high. Some cassava plants (certain varieties)
has a low HCN content and can be consumed directly for humans, livestock and fish without
cause side effects. Cassava flour for fodder and fish are not selected from any varieties,
so a process is needed to minimize or eliminates the HCN content. Golez (2002) explains that if cassava leaves soaked for 12-16 hours or poured with water boiling will eliminate the HCN and produce
Table 4. Proksimat composition of cassava flour
Nutrient Gynecology
Crude protein (%) 27
Fat (%) 7
Crude fiber (%) 17.7
Calcium (%) 1.35
Phosphorus (%) 0.32
cassava flour is safe for fish. Cheeke (1992) argued that soaking the leaves of cassava will activate the conversion of cyanogenic glycoside become HCN, and if rinsed with water will
eliminating its HCN content. Another way is by cooking with water at a stable temperature order
the enzyme becomes damaged, so there will be no HCN. The principle of eliminating anti-nutrients on cassava leaves by dissolving in water or heating can modified. One way is with
drying in the sun. This method is more economical and suitable to be done in Indonesia, though will have difficulty if cassava is harvested on rainy season. Fasuyi (2005) performs a variety
experiments to reduce anti-nutrients in the leaves cassava. The results of his experiments show that
drying with sunlight 2-3 days and Shredding can reduce HCN levels on a level which is harmless.
In general the nutritional content of cassava flour also depends on the age of the plant. According to Webeto et al. (2006), protein content, Fe, carotene, and phosphorus cassava flour is higher at the age of 12 months compared to the age of 17 months. While at the age of 17 month of vitamin C, Zn, and calcium content increases. Recommended Usage Generally cassava leaves are consumed by humans
(young) and mostly given to cattle ruminants in fresh condition. Usage on livestock poultry and fish are still very rare. Some farmers often provide cassava leaves into the pond along with sente leaves for herbivorous fish, however there is very little scientific information about it. According to Ng & Wee (1989), cassava flour can replacing protein from fish flour up to 20% in indigo fish feed (Oreochromis niloticus) without reduce real performance. Homini (Sugar Production Waste from Corn) Corn flour is the raw material of energy source but low in protein. It makes corn as the main raw material of livestock, with considering the liveliness level (Hertrampf & Pascual, 2000). The use of corn on the fish is relative a little bit, because fish use more protein and fat as an energy source compared to starch (Schmittou et al., 1997). The energy of raw corn is approximately approximately 95% undigested by pork, but only 26% and 45% digested by catfish and tilapia. Hertrampf & Pascual
(2000) explains that the use of maize by animals can be repaired by heating treatment. Aligned
with this being Schmittou et al. (1997) explains that boiling corn can improve digestibility in catfish and indigo in a row around 58% and 72%. Use of maize on salmon as well able to improve digestibility and growth. Corn is good and can be used as raw materials for fish feed, but corn processing industry is currently growing very rapidly so the price of corn also increasing. Maize processing industry, both wet processing and dry processing produce waste that needs to be assessed feasibility as raw material for animal feed and fish. Some results beside corn processing industry such as DDGS, homini, corn bran, and germ. DDGS can be in- make use of it as a source of protein for fish, because its protein content averages more than 27%. While homini and corn bran are like bran from other carbohydrate sources. Possible nutritional value and digestibility is not much different from rice bran. Homini or homini feed is a blend of bran corn, corn germs and some yellow corn starch, white corn or shorgum grains from industrial products pearl homini, homini grits, or table meal (Anonimous,2005). It can be mentioned also that the homini feed is the result of dry corn milling. According to Tangendjaja & Vienna (2007), the milling industry maize in Indonesia has a capacity of 1000-3000ton / month. Aspects of Nutrition Homini has a higher protein content
compared to corn but lower compared to corn bran (Hertrampf & Pascual, 2000). According Tangendjaja & Vienna (2007), acid content amino homini is higher than corn, but according to (Hertrampf & Pascual, 2000), the acid profile

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