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Kamis, 10 Mei 2018

Livestock feed material and waste

Meat Flour
Meat flour comes from the remains of meat that is not consumed human, usually attached to the skin and bone in the form of tetelan so often in the form of meat and bone flour (MBM). Use for poultry is 10% and less preferred because it can cause odor in livestock products (meat, eggs and milk).

The composition of meat meal
are: Dry matter
88.5%; Ash 27.73%;
protein 61.13%; fat
11.75%; crude fiber 2.71%
and Beta-N 0.68%.
Figure 7. Meat and Bone Meat and Storage

Blood Flour
It is a waste from slaughterhouses, which are widely used by the feed mill, because the crude protein is high. Even though there are "religious" barriers and "health effects". Good bad flour blood used as raw material in terms of health, depending on how the material is obtained from the slaughterhouse
animal. The downside of blood meal is poor isoleucin and low calcium and phosphorus, also when used more than 5% will cause "blood smell" effect on cattle. The nutritional composition of flour is as follows: Protein content ranging from 85% to 90.00% dry matter; Ash 4.00%; protein 85.00%; fat 1.60%; crude fiber 1.00% and Beta N 8.40%.

Bone Flour
Coming from the bones with a bit of meat attached, then dried and ground, on the market commonly called flour bone. Bone meal is used as a source of calcium, especially for poultry that is / in its infancy. Bone meal containing calcium between 24% - 30% and 12% phosphorus. However, its use between 2.5-10% in feed formula and only limited as complementary if the nutrients in the composition of feed ingredients that there is not enough.

Fur Flour
The feather flour is obtained by boiling the poultry feathers in a container covered with 3.2 atmospheric pressure for 45 minutes and is returned back to normal pressure, after which it is dried on temperature 60oC and ground until smooth. Fur flour has metabolic energy 2354 cal / kg and amino acids available at 65% and use up to 10%.

Heart Flour
Liver flour is made from liver or fish heart that is not consumed human (afkir). The process of making it through three stages of the heart sliced, dried and ground into flour. Heart flour contains 60-62% protein; fat 16-17% and many contains iron Fe, Mg and Cu as well as vitamin B1, riboflavin, niacin and panthotenic acid.

Shell Flour
Shellfish flour is used as a source of calcium, Ca, flour the shell is quite large ie 38%

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